What our Customers say...

Commercial Testimonials

From the office staff to the work crew, the entire experience was relatively painless. If you ever have an issue like this at your home, or your business, like us, you want the SERVPRO of Lake Elsinore team on your side!

The crew was fast and professional. Thank you for removing the mold in the bathroom of my business. I had no idea where to begin and they handled everything, from dealing with my insurance company to remediation so I could handle my business. Thank you, Thank you!

We had a minor flood in the kitchen of my business. I called SERVPRO of Lake Elsinore and they were there in an hour and removed the water quickly. The main technician (I can't remember his name but didn't meet a rude person) was amazing. He talked me through the whole process and made sure I understood what was going on the whole time. Thank you SERVPRO!

This was an after hours claim and the person I spoke with was very courteous and had a technician on site within an hour. The job was completed very quickly and I was able to get back to business the next morning, with lots of coffee!

Responded quickly and efficiently. The team worked well together and got the job done right. Thank you SERVPRO Lake Elsinore!

The team was professional, on time and very friendly. They were very quick and got us back in business quickly! Highly recommend SERVPRO of Lake Elsinore.